The advantages of this aircraft are its good flight characteristics, as well as low landing and takeoff speeds. This is great because the aircraft is less dependent on airfield conditions and can land in places other than a runway.
Some time ago I decided to learn to fly a high-wing plane. I always wanted to learn to fly both a low-wing and a high-wing aircraft. Simply because they are different airplanes, and I always want to learn something new.
It’s also convenient that when you are retraining, you don’t have to go through the entire volume of training materials again. After all, time is very important when you work or have a family.
I heard one of the cadets say: "I have three types of aircraft qualifications in my PPL. Today I fly the Aeroprakt, tomorrow - the Diamond, and the day after - the Viper." This is their life, they have their own like-minded crowd, they constantly brag to each other where they've been, and for what purposes. They are just such passionate people.